K/Rally Bar Huddle+Tap EU - Graphite

K/Rally Bar Huddle+Tap EU - Graphite TAPRHGUNIAPP/EU/1
Ei varastossa 
Ei varastossa
  • Everyone is seen and heard clearly
  • Works with leading video platforms
  • Quick to set up, easy to manage

  • 10.1-inch touchscreen for easy control
  • Multiple interfaces including HDMI and USB-C for versatile connectivity
  • Anti-theft protection and Kensington security lock compatible for enhanced security
  • Integrated speaker for clear audio during video conferences
  • Motion sensor for smart activation and energy efficiency


Verolliset hinnat
Tuotteet: 0 kplYhteensä: 0,00 €

TD Nettailer demo

Tervetuloa TD Nettailer IT jälleenmyyjille tarkoitettuun demokauppaan

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